Welcome to our Orthodontic Family
Welcome to Cusack Orthodontics, located in Peoria, IL and Pekin, IL.
Thank You Central Illinois
We commit ourselves to offer not only the finest quality orthodontic treatment, but to make the process as enjoyable as possible, every step of the way. We aim to provide superior service and individualized care for each patient, at a reasonable fee, in a family like atmosphere that is enjoyable, caring, friendly and fun.

At Cusack Orthodontics you’re not just a patient,
you’re a part of our family!
The Benefits of a Healthy Bite will make you smile
Straight teeth look great, function better, are easier to clean, and are more likely to last your lifetime. Orthodontic treatment is a wonderful investment with life-long returns.
Straight teeth and jaws that align properly mean that the rest of the mouth and face can grow proportionally, ensuring good oral health.
Correcting an abnormal bite can also help ward off oral health problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, and abnormal wear of tooth enamel.
Crooked, crowded, unevenly-spaced teeth present obstacles for the confidence level of both children and adults.
Straight, healthy, clean teeth build pride and comfort when interacting with others – from making new friends, to participating in class, to sharing photos, to going on job interviews.
Many patients complain of being teased for how their teeth look. A beautiful smile paves the way for easier socialization at school, in groups, during extracurricular activities, and at work.
Headaches, toothaches, sinus problems, dry mouth, snoring, drooling, bad breath, and insomnia are all symptoms of a smile that isn’t straight, jaws that aren’t aligned, or teeth that are too close together – or not quite close enough. Oftentimes, however, the mouth is the last place we check for signs of discomfort, loss of sleep, or even a simple headache.
If your child’s pediatrician can’t figure out why he or she isn’t sleeping well or experiencing headaches or other problems for which there seems to be no cause, a simple 30-minute exam in our office could answer many of those questions and begin a road to resolution.
Proper Development
Proper Development
Crooked, crowded, unevenly-spaced teeth present obstacles for the confidence level of both children and adults. Straight, healthy, clean teeth build pride and comfort when interacting with others – from making new friends, to participating in class, to sharing photos, to going on job interviews.
Many patients complain of being teased for how their teeth look. A beautiful smile paves the way for easier socialization at school, in groups, during extracurricular activities, and at work.
Meet the Doctor
Being an orthodontist allows me to watch my patients’ amazing transformations when their smiles are improved with orthodontic treatment. The excitement and anticipation that go along with the first visit, all the way to the amazing smiles at the end of treatment, are what make what I do worthwhile.
As an orthodontist, I pride myself on providing my patients with state-of-the-art treatment techniques and equipment.
I look forward to meeting you and helping you to a better smile!
Our Orthodontic Treatments
The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children have their first orthodontic screening by the age of seven or sooner if there are concerns or questions about their bite. This is not necessarily to start treatment but to evaluate the need for intervention by looking at jaw growth or the lack of room for permanent teeth. An orthodontist can carefully monitor growth and development and begin treatment when it is ideal. Please don’t wait until all the baby teeth are lost. There are great advantages to starting treatment early.
Our Process

Thank you Central Illinois!
For voting Cusack Orthodontics Best-of-theBest again!
We are both humbled and honered to have your support and vote of confidence.